Northeast Candidate Forum Engages Voters Ahead Election Day
Emily Wheeler Editorial Assistant Kansas City, Mo– The Northeast Kansas City Chamber of Commerce hosted a successful candidates forum Tuesday, Oct. 29 at its location 2657 Independence Ave. Candidates for…
Truck Trap Makeover: Muralists to Transform 12- Foot ‘Truck Eating Bridge’
Emily WheelerEditorial Intern The Northeast Kansas City Chamber of Commerce announced the muralists selected to transform the historic Independence Avenue ‘Truck Eating Bridge’ June 24. This infamous Independence Avenue bridge…
The NEKC Chamber invites you to its bi-annual International Taste and Tour June 7
Historic Northeast residents and beyond have the opportunity to attend the 12th annual International Marketplace Taste and Tour on Independence Avenue June 7, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The…
Neighborhoods In Northeast: Independence Plaza
The Independence Plaza neighborhood is one of seven neighborhoods that make up the Historic Northeast community and is a neighborhood brimming with history and character. Situated just east of the…
New Portable Mural Program Aims to Unite Northeast Neighborhoods
The NEKC Chamber is partnering with a local artist to bring communities together Ellen BeshukFreelance Reporter A group of seven neighborhoods in Historic Northeast can submit their selection for…
Avenue Angels Complete Narcan Training Certification
Bre BlankenshipFreelance Reporter The Titan Security “Avenue Angel” security force, employed by the Independence Avenue Community Improvement District (CID), has completed their training and certification to administer life saving, opioid-blocking…
Grime, Crime & Chime
Grime: The NEKC Chamber plans to enhance the Historic Northeast community by reducing graffiti, improving pedestrian access, and creating a stronger sense of place. They aim to do this by…
Grime, Crime, and Chime
Grime:Did you know that by Fall 2023, team members with the Independence Avenue Community Improvement District (IACID) had picked up a total of 119,646.40 pounds of trash? This is a…
Lexington Avenue traffic calming discussion tonight
Michael BushnellPublisher Possible improvements to the current five-way intersection at Lexington, Maple, and Missouri Avenues in the Pendleton Heights neighborhood will be the topic of a public meeting and open…