Bre Blankenship
Freelance Reporter
The Titan Security “Avenue Angel” security force, employed by the Independence Avenue Community Improvement District (CID), has completed their training and certification to administer life saving, opioid-blocking Naxalone (Narcan).
The training, provided by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, consists of five modules, including: Addiction as a brain disease, overdose symptoms and signs, Narcan administration, risks and legal landscapes, field reporting and obtaining Narcan.
“This is just one more way the CID continues to make positive impacts along the Independence Avenue corridor,” said CID President and CEO Bobbi-Baker Hughes.
Team Resource Manager for the Independence Avenue CID Laura Cardwell said she believes that the certification and training of administering Narcan for their officers is crucial in life and death situations. “Our officers are often the first ones on the scene, arriving prior to any first responders,” Cardwell said.
In addition, Cardwell says she hopes the completed training will continue to help the Avenue Angels be servants and added safety for the Community.
“We want to be of service to the entire community and send people in a direction where they can get needed help,” Cardwell said.
While there are no direct plans to implement other training at this time, the Avenue Angels’ mission is the ongoing effort to impact the community in meaningful ways.
Editor’s Note: On Thursday afternoon at approximately 1:30pm Titan Avenue Angels along with KCFD Medic 503 were dispatched to the McDonald’s Restaurant at Independence Avenue and Hardesty where an overdose victim was located on the property. Titan Angels administered life saving Narcan and the victim was transported to an area hospital and is expected to survive thanks to the quick administration of the Narcan now carried by Titan Avenue Angel Officers.