• adminadmin
  • October 23, 2012
  • 2 minutes Read
We want our stop lights back!

Northeast News October 24, 2012  The traffic signal debacle continues, courtesy of the city’s Public Works Department. Two key traffic signals were studied last Tuesday but still continue to blink…

  • adminadmin
  • October 16, 2012
  • 2 minutes Read
Let the counting commence

October 17, 2012 Bending to media and neighborhood pressure, the city has, at long last, decided to do an official “traffic” study at two intersections along St. John Avenue where…

  • adminadmin
  • September 25, 2012
  • 1 minute Read
The future of print

September 26, 2012 The future of print – Some serious considerations from Northeast’s foremost and only newshound, dedicated to sniffin’ out news in Northeast  This last weekend this news-pooch and…

  • adminadmin
  • September 18, 2012
  • 3 minutes Read
We Are the Google, Resistance is futile

September 19, 2012 Lemme see, The Borg collective Hive, Google Collective Hive. The Borg: Assimilates entire races for their collective hive. Google: Assimilate neighborhood leaders to schlep Google Fiber for…

  • adminadmin
  • September 11, 2012
  • 2 minutes Read
Getting snubbed – Google style

September 12, 2012  Snub #1. One would think if a local community newspaper is good enough for a company’s press releases, we’d be good enough for their advertising dollars as…

  • adminadmin
  • August 21, 2012
  • 1 minute Read
There’s no free lunch

August 22, 2012 It was a heckuva weekend for the GOP this past weekend. Between Kansas Congressman Kevin Yoder taking a skinny dip in the Sea of Galilea and U.S.…