Public invited to question police chief finalists
Northeast News September 29, 2011 After postponing several public meetings, the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners has scheduled a new date for the community to interview the police chief…
Northeast News September 29, 2011 After postponing several public meetings, the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners has scheduled a new date for the community to interview the police chief…
By Leslie Collins Northeast News September 28, 2011 Several passersby stopped to peer up at the buildings at 3512 and 3516 Independence Ave. Some looked perplexed and studied the buildings…
By Leslie Collins Northeast News September 28, 2011 “There’s no doubt the decision to move us from provisionally accredited to unaccredited status is a serious matter as far as I’m…
By Leslie Collins Northeast News September 28, 2011 After hours at Kansas City’s community centers are officially a success. Since offering extended hours five weeks ago, more than 2,000 youth…
By Leslie Collins Northeast News September 28, 2011 They call her Miss Vonnie. She doesn’t come to work dressed in a suit – instead, she dons colorful outfits, like…
Northeast News September 27, 2011 Kansas City Police officers have initiated an Operation 100 due to an incident that occurred around 1 p.m. today. Officers were traveling behind a vehicle…
Northeast News September 27, 2011 Not all were enthused about the City of Kansas City’s location choice for the new East Patrol Division and crime lab police campus. City officials…
By Leslie Collins Northeast News September 26, 2011 When Superintendent Dr. John Covington left the Kansas City, Missouri School District, it created an uproar. No one expected his departure –…
By Leslie Collins Northeast News September 23, 2011 A number of Kansas City residents use home security systems to deter criminal activity. But now, a few “security companies” are becoming…
September 21, 2011 Local artists, including this youngster, use their artistic skills Sept. 17 to create works of art on the boards covering windows and doors of abandoned buildings in…