Julia Williams
BREAKING— The City of Kansas City announced in a release Thursday, Jan. 9 that crews will begin a quad-phase roadway reconstruction of Front Street spanning from Chouteau Trafficway through N. Topping Ave., in March 2025.
This project will involve the repaving of roadways and include the addition of curbs, storm sewers and stormwater infrastructure, a six-foot sidewalk running south on Front Street, medians and accompanying driveway aprons. Area roadways are expected to remain accessible to traffic throughout this construction process, according to the City of Kansas City’s website.
A 10-foot trail is also included as an addition within the project — which will run along the north side of Front Street and the east side of Chouteau Trafficway — as well as street lights and traffic signals and various improvements to Chouteau Trafficway’s intersection.
Phase one of this multi-phase project is scheduled to begin in March — focusing on reconstructing the south portion of Front Street. However, additional improvements to this area including replacement of its main water line will occur prior to phase one, according to the City of Kansas City.
Phases two and three are scheduled to involve reconstruction of north Front Street and north east Chouteau Trafficway, while phase four of this project will hone in on Front Street road medians.
Throughout the project, various lanes between Front Street and Chouteau Trafficway will experience closures. Within phases one and two, Front Street traveling eastbound will be under construction. This will prevent semi-trucks and additional 18-wheel vehicles from turning right onto Front Street and also from turning left onto Chouteau Trafficway. A detour for said vehicles will be available during this time.
Additional lane closures will occur through the project, which can be found on the City of Kansas City’s website, along with accompanying detours.
The City of Kansas City projects completion for this reconstruction to conclude in September 2026 — weather permitting.
The ordinance 250002 — sponsored by the Public Works Department — which includes capital improvement funding for this project and a construction contract with Amino Brothers Co., Inc., will go before the City Council of Kansas City for approval at its legislative session at 3 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 16.
For additional questions or inquiries regarding this Front Street reconstruction project, visit: https://www.kcmo.gov/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/116/2007?npage=2.