Dorri Partain

Managing Editor

Friends, family and casual acquaintances gathered on Saturday, Jan. 18 at Eleos Coffee House (3401 Independence Ave.) to share memories about lifelong Northeast resident, Tony Sciara. 

A familiar face at area churches and businesses, Sciara suffered a medical emergency on Jan. 8 at the intersection of Hardesty and Independence Avenues and was transported to North Kansas City Hospital (2800 Clay Edwards Dr). Acquaintances heard the news — as posted to social media group “The New Northeast” by McDonald’s (5347 Independence Ave.) employee, Michele Crawford — and expressed concern until updates were posted that Sciara had passed away the same day. 

Social media comments revealed that Sciara, who didn’t drive, was truly a “man about town” — or at least a man about Northeast — whose daily travels would take him to his favorite stops for coffee and conversation, mostly about sports and scripture. 

Fittingly, as Sciara was a daily participant during Eleos’s morning Bible study, owner Dan Smith offered to host this Celebration of Life and assist Sciara’s brother Kevin with final arrangements. During Saturday’s memorial, Smith led attendees in two hymns, which were Sciara’s favorites and noted beforehand Sciara always “sang with great volume” in his distinctive voice that earned him the nickname “Radio Tony.” 

Gresia Cabrera of Budd Park Church read Psalm 23 and said she would always remember Sciara for his smile and the little gifts he would offer to children. Members from Grace United shared that Sciara would show up for its hotdog and hamburger cookouts and bring along a jar of pickles to share. An Our Redeemer Lutheran member shared that Sciara would bring a plastic shopping bag to pick up trash and you knew he was there, without looking, when you heard him singing along. Another church leader offered that Sciara was well-known for finishing scripture readings for him, unprompted. 

Sciara loved to be helpful, but sometimes his assistance would backfire a bit. At St. Anthony Parish, Sciara loved to play Bingo, but he also liked to pass out desserts — which were for sale, not free. His cousin Ross told a story about the time Sciara picked all their tomatoes, even the green ones, because — as Sciara explained —  they could be fried. Even though they had no intention of frying the green tomatoes, “You couldn’t get mad at him,” he said, laughing.

For those who offered Sciara a ride home, it would often turn into an extended errand to the store for his “cocoa bomb pops” or down a deserted alley where “these folks sell stuff.” Charlie Aiello, also known as Walking Charlie, had known Sciara since they both were teenagers who graduated from Northeast High in 1977 and would drive Sciara around from time to time. Aiello stated he wanted to thank the first responders from Station 23 who assisted Sciara during his medical emergency. 

These shared stories composed a true picture of who Anthony “Radio Tony” Sciara truly was, a gentle soul who loved certain things — coffee, sports, scripture and a good meal with others — and made every effort to share these same with others. 

“We wanted to do this celebration of life because so many of us here (at Eleos) loved Tony and appreciated just how joyful he was and how much life he brought to gatherings,” said Smith. “He would come in about every day to our Bible study and was really an important part of the workings of Eleos and the Bible study, and the Lord just gave us the opportunity to help the family and to finalize some things and have this service. We were thrilled to be able to participate.”

Tony Sciara enjoyed his spot by the window at Eleos Coffee House. | Photo by Bryan Stalder

Sciara is survived by brother Kevin and his dog, Roscoe. Cards and condolences may be dropped off at Eleos Coffee House to be passed on to family.

The full obituary may be viewed at