Every Tuesday and Wednesday- Senior Chair Aerobics at the Gregg/Klice Community Center. Keep your heart happy and healthy with light exercises from the comfort of a chair. From 10 to 11 am. Free with KCMO Parks or Silver Sneakers membership, $3 for dropins. Call 816-513-0650 for more information.
Friday, January 19- Teen Tabletop Games at the North-East Library, 6000 Wilson Rd. Come enjoy board games, card games, and snacks from 3 to 4 pm. For ages 13 to 17. Free.
Saturday, January 20 – KCPD Police Athletic League (PAL) and USA Boxing present Battle in the Northeast Boxing Tournament. Doors open at 5pm, 6pm start, admission is free. Located at the PAL Center, 1801 White Avenue. T-shirts and refreshments available.
Monday, January 22- Baby Play Group at the North-East Library, 6000 Wilson Rd. Bring your baby to play and make new friends. Light snacks and refreshments provided. Two sessions: 10:30 am and 3:30 pm, best for ages 0 to 3 years. Free.
Tuesday January 23- Riverfront Connectivity Study, Don Bosco Senior Center Community Room, 5 – 8 pm. Sponsored by Port KC, traffic calming, rail crossings, bicycle pedestrian areas will be discussed for the Berkley Riverfront Park area.
Tuesday January 23 (Martes, Enero 23)- Clases de Inglés Básico en la Biblioteca North-East (6000 Wilson Road.)Este curso de 8 semanas de ESL enseña a los estudiantes habilidades básicas de inglés.
Martes y Jueves, 10:00- 11:30 am. Por más información, contacto 816-701-3766.
Saturday, January 27- Job Fair, 10 am to 2 pm at the PAL Center, 1801 White Ave.