Saturday, January 27- Job Fair, KCMO PAL Center, 1801 White Avenue, 10am -2pm. Over a dozen recruiters looking for PT and FT employees. Bring a firm handshake and plenty of enthusiasm.
Saturday, January 27- KC Disc Golf “Ice Bowl” at Budd Park, St. John and Hardesty Avenues. Have fun and raise funds for the Bishop Sullivan Center. Charity event registration minimum is $10. Registration opens at 9:00 am and tee off begins at 10:00 am.
Sunday, January 28- Movie screening at Independence Boulevard Christian Church, 606 Gladstone Blvd. In conjunction with Advocates for Immigrant Rights and Reconciliation, the award winning documentary The Infiltrators will be presented at 3 pm. Free, please RSVP to reserve your seat at http://tinyurl.com/infiltratorsRSVP. See ad below, for more information.

Every Tuesday and Wednesday- Senior Chair Aerobics at the Gregg/Klice Community Center. Keep your heart happy and healthy with light exercises from the comfort of a chair. From 10 to 11 am. Free with KCMO Parks or Silver Sneakers membership, $3 for dropins. Call 816-513-0650 for more information.