Community Calendar
Thursday, August 8 – Coffee, Culture and Conversation, 10 to 11 a.m., 2657 Independence Ave. Come celebrate National Money Day with the Northeast Chamber of Commerce. Learn about the history…
Thursday, August 8 – Coffee, Culture and Conversation, 10 to 11 a.m., 2657 Independence Ave. Come celebrate National Money Day with the Northeast Chamber of Commerce. Learn about the history…
RobyLane KelleyEditorial Assistant Kansas City Public Library’s Northeast branch (KCPL) hosts a myriad of classes for its community — including English classes for adults wanting to learn another language. Through…
Emily Wheeler Editorial Intern Translated by Daisy Garcia-Montoya Con la ansiedad de hacer nuevos amigos e integrarse a un ambiente desconocido, empezar en una nueva escuela puede ser una experiencia…
RobyLane KelleyEditorial AssistantTranslated byDaisy Garcia- Montoya Northeast High School (NEHS) está expandiendo su certificación Inglés para Hablantes de Otros Lenguajes (ESOL) este otoño para atender mejor a las más de…
RobyLane KelleyEditorial Assistant Northeast High School (NEHS) is expanding its English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) certification this fall to better serve the over 50 languages spoken within its…
Emily Wheeler Editorial Intern Kansas City Public Schools’ (KCPS) Blueprint 2030 strategic plan — officially adopted Jan. 25, 2023 — outlines ambitious goals for the school district, which it hopes…
Emily Wheeler Editorial InternTranslated byDaisy Garcia-Montoya Las Escuelas Públicas de Kansas City (KCPS) está trabajando para subir las tasas de graduación con su iniciativa Blueprint 2030, aspirando a pasar de…
– BACK-TO-SCHOOL Special Edition! – Welcome to the 25th annual Back to School special edition of the Northeast News! For a quarter-century, Northeast News has dedicated highlighting all things education…
RobyLane KelleyEditorial AssistantTranslated byDaisy Garcia-Montoya La Biblioteca Pública de Kansas City (KCPL), en su sucursal noreste, ofrece a su comunidad una variedad de clases, incluidas clases de inglés para adultos…
Emily Wheeler Editorial Intern Kansas City Public Schools (KCPS) is working to boost graduation rates with its Blueprint 2030 initiative — aiming to close the gap from a 73% graduation…