The Jackson County Legislature has spent the past weeks debating but failing to approve the allocation of the remaining $70 million in ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds. There have been few opportunities for the public to engage in discussions with our elected officials in the more than ten months since December 2023, when the Commission and the County Executive declined to approve the awards made through the application process begun last fall. If the County cannot issue completed contracts for the use of these funds, they will be returned to the federal government with none being obligated to meet any community needs.
Two ordinances regarding the distribution of ARPA funds were going to be on the agenda for the meeting Tuesday, November 12, but County Executive White has not met with Legislature Chair Lauer to try to come to an agreement on a compromise alternative proposal for the funds, as he himself had committed to doing in a memo sent to the Legislature on November 4. County Executive White contends that he, and he alone, has the authority to appropriate funds and that he does not need input or approval from the Legislature (or any input from the public).
I encourage all members of the Northeast Community to attend the meeting on Monday, November 18 at 3 p.m. either in person at the County Legislative Chambers or on line (the link can be found at https://www.jacksongov.org/Home (click on the Government tab and then go to County Legislature).
Evie Craig
President, Paseo West Neighborhood Association
Executive Director, The Arts Asylum