Somali immigrants living in Historic Northeast have embraced their new American community, but they haven’t forgotten about their country of birth.
To celebrate Somali Independence Day, the Somali population are inviting their American neighbors to partake in several events.
The annual Somali Independence Day celebration will be held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, July 1, at the American Sons of Columbus Hall, 2415 Independence Ave. Activities will include traditional African dance and music, samples of authentic Somali cuisine, guest speakers and historical presentations.
For those who enjoy athletics, the national sport of Somalia and many other East African teams will be demonstrated through the East African Heritage Soccer Tournament. Teams from East African immigrant communities will compete on Friday, July 1, through Sunday, July 3. All games will be held at Maple Park, located at Maple Boulevard and Missouri Avenue, just north of Independence Avenue. Games will start at 5 p.m. each day.
All events are free and open to the public, although freewill donations will be accepted. Support from the Neighborhood Tourist Development Fund of Kansas City, Mo., has helped make these events possible.