Northeast News

May 13, 2016

KANSAS CITY, Missouri – It’s the season for home repair projects, and the KCMO Neighborhoods and Housing Services Department is ready to help.

2016-2017 Special Northeast (NEAT) Area Targeted Minor Home Repair Program applications are now available for qualified applicants who reside between Benton Blvd. and Hardesty Ave., as well as between Garner Ave. and 8th St.

Applicants can receive up to $6,000 towards a variety of repair projects – including roofing, plumbing, electrical systems, and furnace repair or replacement. The HUD-funded program contains a handful of guidelines – including an 80% Low Income requirement. That means a single individual must earn less than $40,800 annually in gross pay (before taxes), while a family of eight, for instance, can earn no more than $76,900 in gross pay on an annual basis.

Qualified applicants must also own and reside in the property to be repaired. It must be a single-family residence, and the owner cannot own any other residential properties. Furthermore, applicants cannot have received home repair assistance from the city over the past five years.

Those who meet those requirements must provide proof of ownership and proof of income (including benefits) along with a completed application. All work will be done by city-approved contractors, and will include a one-year warranty. Those who receive assistance through the NEAT Minor Home Repair Program will be expected to reside in the repaired homes for at least five years after the work is completed. Those who wish to relocate before that period ends will be required to repay a prorated portion of the project cost.

Interested in learning more? Look at the program application here.