Northeast News
July 1, 2015

Dear editor:

Every morning, I walk my dog in Budd Park and pass by the wading pool facility, which was erected several years ago. As we walk past the entry gate along the walking trail, there is always a “small lake” covering the path if it has rained within the preceding two or three days. This pulls the mud down from the hillside, which also covers the path. Add to that the huge tire ruts in the adjacent ground caused by the service trucks, and you have a mosquito haven. All this as a “greeting” to the pool guests, which doesn’t exactly say “welcome.” It’s more like a “we don’t care” since this problem has been there for as long as the pool has been there.

I have spoken to outgoing Councilwoman Jan Marcason to no avail (although she did help with finally getting garbage cans in the park), and have also communicated with David Burke of the Parks Dept. He is aware of the problem, but cites limited funding. He has suggested that I submit a PIAC request, which I have done, but a lone voice in the wilderness will not get the job done!

That is why I am asking Northeast neighbors to go to, find the PIAC request page and submit a request for this repair. For those unfamiliar, PIAC is a public improvements fund set aside for exactly these kinds of situations. It takes about five minutes to fill out the form. Or, as an alternative, we can make an even greater impact by attending the Fourth District PIAC meeting at the Kansas City Museum at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 21.

Neighbors, let’s get this one done! It affects all who use the walking trail and all the parents and kids who come to cool off in the heat of summer!

Ed Papacena

Scarritt Ave.