By Paul Thompson
Northeast News
October 26, 2016
KANSAS CITY, Missouri – The Historic Northeast is about to receive some much-needed attention, as the City of Kansas City, Missouri has announced a series of clean-up events designed to de-clutter the community before winter.
Typically, the City of Kansas City, Missouri holds free tire collection events on the first Saturday of every month. On those dates, area residents may deliver waste tires free of cost to the KCMO Environmental Campus (4707 Deramus) from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. However, an additional free tire recycling event has been announced for Saturday, November 19.
The city will also provide a tire trailer for the Northeast area on October 29. Specific times and a location for the collection event will be announced shortly. In addition, the city has orchestrated a special collection event on Saturday, November 5 at the Manual Career Tech Center (1320 Truman Road), from 8:00 a.m. until noon. During that event, area residents will have an opportunity to safely dispose of tires, paint, brush, small appliances, electronics, building materials, glass and clothing. Proof of residency will be required.
KCMO adds extra tire recycling events in Northeast
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