Jan. 12, 2011

This being our annual dirt-turnin’ issue, this lil’ newshound was directed to the corner of Independence & Benton to try and determine who was movin’ the dirt around in the vacant lot just east of the intersection. As it turns out, the lot is in the beginning stages of development for a new retail structure. No word from the owners of said property other than it will be a commercial investment property occupied by a commercial retail tenant. From what my lil’ Bunny legs have been able to run down, its owned by the same folks who run the Chinatown Market at 2nd & Grand in the River Market area.

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Cue the Wile E. Coyote Bomb Sequence

This newshound knows that to move a big amount of earth, you need one of two things: a big shovel or a lot of explosives. What doesn’t qualify as “a lot of explosives” is using a book of matches and last week’s History test (wait for it) in what amounted to a failed attempt to blow up Northeast High School. Sadly, we’re afraid these two dim bulbs will probably end up either as Darwin Award candidates or runners-up for the World’s Dumbest Criminals “hi-light” reel. Stupidity seems to go viral pretty quick these days. Luckily they were NOT students from the school.Unfortunately, following this attempt a bomb threat was called into the high school on Jan. 6 and evacuated and canceled classes for the afternoon. School-related events were canceled that evening.

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B-I-N-G-O was his name-o

Any doubt that this season’s District 40 Missouri House race wasn’t about representing the people just got thrown out the window last week when KCTV 5 got the money quote of the race from losing candidate, Will Royster. “There is no guarantee I will hold that seat, I just don’t want Rizzo in it.”

BINGO! This race, at least judging by Royster’s statement, never had anything to do with serving the people of this district, it was all about unseating and ultimately burying a once politically prominent political family. To his undoing, Royster showed his colors early and handed the seat to Rizzo the younger. This story has lasted longer than this hound’s chew toys, but we will continue to scratch up more… as long as there is news to cover.