Michael Bushnell
Northeast News
Aug. 14, 2015

KANSAS CITY, Missouri — Jenelle James, General Manager of Snyder’s Supermarket, wasn’t having the greatest of Friday mornings.
James, upon arriving at the family owned business at approximately 7 a.m. Friday, Aug. 14, discovered the grocery store had been the victim of a burglary. The thief broke through a seven-foot plate glass window during the overnight hours and gained access to the store. Unfortunately, the burglar alarm malfunctioned and the family wasn’t notified of the crime until the morning.
James notified police and reviewed the video surveillance tape. While reviewing the tape, she recognized the perpetrator; a black male, roughly 30-years-old with a slim build.
“We caught this guy trying to steal groceries a few days ago and apparently he’s got a beef with us” James said.
One of Snyder’s vendors, who was on hand when the tape was reviewed by staff, later spotted the same individual from the tape walking down Independence Avenue near Woodland Avenue and notified the store and Titan Security, who responded with a Kansas City Police officer from nearby Central Patrol. The suspect was apprehended near Ninth Street and Highland Avenue. A subsequent search of the individual’s backpack revealed the burglar’s haul, four cans of chunky soup, a box of donuts and a gallon of water.
“Right place, right time” James said. “We’re just happy we got this guy who would have gone largely unnoticed and gotten away scot-free.”
While the suspect didn’t directly answer any questions posed to him by Titan Security Officers about the nature of his haul, he did indicate he was living on the streets. The suspect was transported to police headquarters and will be charged.