Northeast News
April 8, 2015

Well this ‘lil doggie is happy the temperatures are finally climbing out of the cellar and we’re able to enjoy a relaxing day on the porch. But this past weekend, violent teen flash mobs once again invaded the Country Club Plaza and wrought havoc to the upscale shopping and entertainment district.

Last Saturday night, a number of juveniles were detained by police after the mobs vandalized a number of parked vehicles. This old school newshound has but one question: Where were the parents of these unruly thugs as this destruction and illegal activity was going on? No doubt they were at home with the remote control in one hand and a “double-deucer” in the other, with nary a care in the world for what little Junior and his band of roving, ner-do-wells are engaging in at all hours.

This canine has said it before and will say it again; in my day, we were home by the time the streetlights came on or we endured one of Aggie’s famous butt warmings, leather belt style. Note to errant parental types: either corral your village idiot teenager or suffer the consequences. Hopefully the individuals responsible for the damage on Saturday night will be saddled with the financial responsibility to make it right. We seriously doubt it, however, given the current state of affairs in this cow-town.

As for little Johnny and his minions of violent morons, the Plaza ain’t your playground. Grow up, learn some manners and take a stab at becoming a productive member of society instead of living down to expectations. One thing is for certain however, choosing the latter will insure you’ll always have a place to sleep and three squares a day, all at taxpayer expense.