Northeast News
Nov. 20, 2014

KANSAS CITY, Missouri — A video taken by Brett Schoffner, Executive Director for the Cliff Drive Corridor Management Committee, Thursday, Nov. 19, went viral overnight.
The video shows a man standing next to a delivery van, allegedly dumping trash along Cliff Drive. Schoffner videotaped the man imploring him to not dump in the park. The man’s response, while not fit for print, essentially tells Schoffner, “F this park.”
Neighbors took quick action after viewing the video and contacted the man’s employer, Quicksilver Delivery Service, in regard to the dumping. Quicksilver Manager Stephan Kemper responded to the issue immediately, indicating a strong desire to make the situation right.
“We’re a courier company,” Kemper noted. “We pick things up and deliver them across the city. This in no way reflects our commitment to community and to our customers.”
While Kemper wouldn’t discuss details of his conversation with the man shown in the video beside the company van, he did indicate that “action was taken against this driver.”
Scarritt resident Jessie Matthews tweeted the incident to city leaders, police and prosecutors. Matthews expressed the sentiment the entire neighborhood shares about their community and the Cliff Drive Scenic Byway.
“We’re passionate about our neighborhood and we’re not going to stand for this kind of activity along Cliff Drive,” Matthews said.
Matthews was also quick to encourage activism.
“This is very easy to get this done,” Matthews said. “It took me all of 16 minutes to reach the right people through social media. We’re doing everything we need to do as a community, now we need the cooperation of the city and prosecutors to properly prosecute this individual.”