Due to snow operations all weekend, the City will run this entire week as a Monday holiday, so trash and recycling will be on a one-day delay.
With snow on the ground and more in the forecast, Kansas City, Mo., is suspending all trash and recycling services for Monday, Feb. 8, so these drivers are available to plow snow.
Over 130 employees from Public Works, Solid Waste, Parks & Recreation and KC Water reported Sunday night to salt and plow roads. On Monday, over 200 employees will be on the roadways salting and plowing.
Impacts to trash, recycling and bulky item pickup include: No trash or recycling pickup on Monday. If your trash day is usually Monday, your trash will be collected Tuesday. Normal Tuesday collection will be on Wednesday, Wednesday collection moves to Thursday, Thursday collection will be on Friday and Friday collection will be on Saturday.
Monday bulky item pick up appointments will be delayed one day due to staff helping with snow operations, but the City requests residents leave it on the curb and it will be picked up by this weekend.
“These impacts are necessary as part of our new snow plan to improve snow removal services across the city,” a press release from the City read.
The Public Works Department reminded drivers to be careful and allow extra time to arrive at destinations, and giving crews plenty of room to work.
Drivers should park off-street if possible, or on the north and west sides of neighborhood streets. Parking cars on only one side of residential streets will help plows clear streets faster and more completely.
During snowstorms, updates are posted on the City’s snow operations page and on Twitter.