On Tuesday November 7th, voters in Jackson County and Kansas City, MO
will go to the polls to vote on three questions involving sales taxes and park land. Jackson County Question One asks voters to vote on a new, local use tax that would fund downtown courthouse repairs, road and bridge repairs and offer financial assistance to the homeless. Kansas City, MO voters will be asked to vote on two issues. The first would be a continuation of the 3/8% city sales tax that provides funding to the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority. The second City question asks voters to approve the removal of roughly 5.39 acres of park land near 32nd Terrace and North Oak Trafficway from the city’s parks system. For more information on the election and the initiatives included, visit the Kansas City Election Board’s web site at:
QUESTION #1 Shall Jackson County impose a local use tax for the purpose of financing road and bridge construction projects within the County, including projects within the corporate limits of cities within the County, for financial assistance to homeless persons and persons at risk of becoming homeless, and for renovations and repairs to the Jackson County Courthouse in downtown Kansas City and the Eastern Jackson County Courthouse and Historic Truman Courthouse in Independence, at the same rate as the total local sales tax rate, provided that, if the local sales tax rate is reduced or raised by voter approval, the local use tax rate shall also be reduced or raised by the same action?
QUESTION #1 (Public Bus Transit System) Shall the City of Kansas City continue a city sales tax for the purpose of developing, operating, maintaining, equipping and improving a public bus transit system for Kansas City, pursuant to contract with the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority, as authorized by Section 94.605 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri at a rate of 3/8% for a period of 10 years?
QUESTION #2 (Park Property) Should the City of Kansas City remove from the park system vacant property containing approximately 5.399 acres serving as undeveloped parkland which is generally located between North Oak Trafficway to the west, North Holmes to the east and north of Northeast 32nd Terrace which has been determined by the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners to be no longer necessary or appropriate for park, parkway, or boulevard use?