Northeast News
September 24, 2014
Expecting that important letter from a long lost cousin? Check from the government? Well if you’re relying on the United States Postal Service to deliver that, better get a plan B in place because these days, delivering mail or keeping stamps in stock isn’t at the top of the Post Office’s priority list. This news-pooch has had no less that five pieces of mail come back as undeliverable despite the addresses on said mail being perfect. Two pieces were addressed to this city’s Parks Department on 63rd Street, another two to a North End apartment building that’s been in the same spot for almost 30 years, and lastly, an incoming piece to this address that was returned as undeliverable.
This doggie isn’t the sharpest egg in the basket but is relatively certain you don’t pick up an office or apartment building and move it overnight.
But then again, when temporary, part-time employees who wouldn’t know a mailbox from a lunch box, are hired to carry complex mail routes, that’s apparently what the public gets. Note to the USPS: Small businesses and those on a fixed income depend on the reliability of the mail carrier for their livelihood and survival. A quick look at the Postal Service’s balance sheet pretty much tells the tale though. No big surprise given the quality of some of these new hires who can’t seem to properly and accurately deliver a simple letter. Given the lack of attention, we think that digital delivery is lookin’ better and better all the time.