Above is a closer look at one of the 1,400 quilt squares decorated by attendees at the Plaza Art Fair. Photos by Leslie Collins


By Leslie Collins
Northeast News
February 1, 2012

“I like every last blue,” five-year-old Dakota Price said, pointing at his new quilt.

His mother, Consuela Price, called the gift a “sweet blessing.”

The Prices were one of nine families that received handcrafted quilts Jan. 20 at Kansas City’s reStart, Inc., an organization that provides housing for the homeless and education and employment assistance, among other services.

Arts Council of Metropolitan Kansas City (ArtsKC) launched the “art quilt” project last year during the annual Plaza Art Fair. Instead of handing out brochures, ArtsKC wanted to do something creative, said ArtsKC President and Chief Executive Officer Harlan Brownlee.

With donated white fabric squares in hand, ArtsKC asked Plaza Art Fair attendees to decorate their own square which would be sewn into a quilt.

Attendees decorated more than 1,400 squares and local quilters pieced together a total of 12 quilts, said Sara Vogt of ArtsKC.

“It was an incredible project,” reStart Executive Director Evie Craig said. “The enthusiasm, joy and fun was infectious at the art festival.”

During the Jan. 20 quilt presentation, children and adults stood in awe of their new treasures. One toddler hugged his massive quilt, trying to carry it away the best he could.

For six-year-old Melana Naylor, it was all about rainbows.

“I like it!” Naylor said. “It’s a rainbow one. It has rainbow colors.”

As reStart and ArtsKC representatives bestowed quilts, Brownlee reflected on the broader meaning.

“When I look at these quilts, I’m reminded that everybody has a part to play in our community,” he said. “These quilts are a wonderful metaphor for the arts and the people working together in our community.”


Nine families received quilts at reStart Jan. 20, thanks to the vision of ArtsKC staff. Pictured above, reStart Executive Director Evie Craig and ArtsKC President and Chief Executive Officer Harlan Brownlee bestow quilts to the families. More than 1,400 quilt squares were decorated by Plaza Arts Fair attendees.