By Laura Wagner
Northeast News
Jan. 12, 2011

The first phase of construction for the Chua Quan Am Buddhist Temple at Lexington Avenue and Park Street is nearly complete. The home, which will connect to the temple, needs drywall and some remaining refinements before it is ready for guests. The lot for the temple has been cleared but construction will not begin until funds are raised. On Friday, Feb. 4, 2011 visitors to the site on Lexington Avenue and Park Street. will be able to walk through the constructed home and hear about the project’s progress.

“We hope the new year will bring some more funds,” said Mai Le, a volunteer with the project. “We want people to know we are serious about the project, as it has been delayed a few years…” Mai Le is helping to coordinate the open house and fundraiser around the Asian New Year celebration, and has been instrumental in helping supporters and area Buddhist elders secure the needed permits for construction.

Lonnie Clark, a city planner with the City of Kansas City, said, “There will be three phases of construction…with the parking lot being the last phase.”