November 23, 2011

This year, we decided to get a different take on Turkey Day. We asked Holy Cross first graders several questions about the Thanksgiving holiday and the youngsters didn’t disappoint. Read below for tips on how to cook a turkey in 10 seconds and how Thanksgiving really got its start.

How did Thanksgiving get its start?

Mila Andrade

“With the pilgrims. Where they came from, they thought that the church was too crowded, and so they got on a ship that’s called the Mayflower and they went to somewhere else, Kansas City.” – Mila Andrade

“Because God made it up.” – Dalyn Nguyen

“They hunt for food, they kill the food, and they cook ’em with fire and wood, and eat ’em and then they go to sleep. Then the next day they do the same thing. When they’re hungry, they hunt for turkeys and cook them.” – Vincent Tran

“They were on a ship, the Mayflower, and they fell asleep on there. Squato helped them pick corn and helped them pick beans and helped them pick stuff. They had squash and they had corn and some beans. The people was Indians and the pilgrims. They talked.” – Rebecca Negus

“The first Thanksgiving they were riding on the ferry boat, I forgot the name of the boat, and it was kind of like a ship. It’s called the Mayflower and they stepped off the Mayflower and there was snow and they were eating the food because they were hungry.” – Sofia Ruiz

“The pilgrims had lots of harvests and they decided to have a big feast and they called it Thanksgiving.” – Patrick Wagner

How do you cook a turkey?

Tony Phan

“Kill it, put it in the oven and bake it; Time and temp: two minutes at two degrees. If you turn it to five, the turkey would get burned.” – Tony Phan

“First, you kill them and then you put them in the oven and then it’s cooking and cooking and cooking and then you take it out and eat it; Time and temp: 9 minutes at 5 degrees.” – Xiomara De la Cruz

“We kill it and we put it in the oven. I’d cook it like 10 seconds and kind of warm.” – Sofia Ruiz

“You find it, then you cut it, then you kill it then you put it in the oven. Then when the oven goes ding, ding, you take it out and then you eat it; Time and temp: 30 minutes at 20 or 30 degrees.” – Abuk Mayar

What are you thankful for?

Patrick Wagner

“I’m thankful for a home and I’m thankful for a teddy bear and a bed.” – Patrick Wagner

“I’m thankful because my mommy helps me with my homework.” – Toni Jo Negus

“I’m thankful for my school.” – Eben Gomar

“I’m thankful for my mom.” – Veronica Valderrama

“I’m thankful for my family and Jesus for dying for us.” – Emmanuel Nak

“I’ve got glasses and I got new colored rims. I got new glasses that are green.” – Joseph Truong

“My mom’s a great cooker.” – Dalyn Nguyen

“I’m thankful for my family members, and I’ll just say the whole world.” – Abuk Mayar

What’s your favorite part about Thanksgiving?

“My favorite part about Thanksgiving is me and my grandma cook.” – Michelle Puga

“Turkey.” – Juliana Camarena

“My favorite part about Thanksgiving is spending time with my family and eating food that I like and we get to go buy the turkey. And sometimes we go on like a turkey trip to this festival with turkey stuff.” – Mila Andrade

“I like to eat all this food and I get to spend time with my family and pray. And I get to play games a lot with them.” – Emmanuel Nak

“We eat food and enjoy the fun.” – Vincent Tran