Once again The Northeast News came away from the annual Missouri Press Association Convention at the Elms Hotel in Excelsior Springs with more awards for excellence in Journalism, Advertising and Marketing.
This year in the Better Newspaper contest, the paper secured six awards for excellence in Journalism in the Weekly Newspaper Category. Managing Editor Abby Hoover scored a First Place award for Best Feature Story for her “Book inspires paper route in Northeast” that ran in October of 2020. Additional awards included two second place awards, one to Abby Hoover for Best Coverage of Government for her story on Operation Legend and Bryan Stalder for Best Editorial Cartoon “They will kill millions.”
The Northeast News also secured three Third Place awards, one to Art and Creative Director Bryan Stalder and Publisher Michael Bushnell for Best Video for a story on The Reiger Distillery pivoting to making hand sanitizer. Former Managing Editor Elizabeth Orosco secured two Third Place awards, one for Best Coverage of Government for a story on the City budget and one for Best Feature Photograph that accompanied a story on Cliff Drive.
On the Advertising and Marketing side of the house, The Northeast News garnered eight awards in the Weekly Newspaper category. Those awards included First Place, Best Advertising Sales Tool to Elizabeth Orosco and Marketing Representative Krystin Miller, First Place to Art & Creative Director Bryan Stalder for Best Ad Designer, First Place for Best Ad Series for the weekly Independence Avenue CID center-spreads and First Place for Best use of Full Color Ad for an ad created for the Kansas City Museum advertising their annual Dia de los Muertos celebration, and First Place for Best Single House Ad for an ad celebrating our Best in Show award in the 2020 Missouri Advertising and Marketing Executives competition sponsored by the Missouri Press Association.
The paper also received a Second Place award going to Bryan Stalder and Krystin Miller for Best Online Ad Designer, Third Place to Abby Hoover, Elizabeth Orosco and Bryan Stalder for Best Sponsored Content/Native Advertising and a Fourth Place award to Bryan Stalder and Abby Hoover for Best Special Section for a piece created for a Jackson County election.
“Just super proud of our team here at the House of News,” Publisher Michael Bushnell said. “It’s a real treat to work with such a talented team dedicated to bringing outstanding Community Journalism to the Historic Northeast community.”