Abby Hoover
Managing Editor
Northeast Kansas City Chamber Of Commerce
The Northeast Kansas City Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1994 and has been serving the Northeast business community in a variety of ways since.
“We want to be the go-to place for your business,” their mission reads. “We can provide you with education, programs, and networking opportunities in order to grow your success. We bring businesses together.”
The Chamber strives to be a financially sound, well-managed business association that helps enhance the quality of life and economic competitiveness in Northeast Kansas City. Through partnership and collaboration, its goal is to serve the diverse entrepreneurial, cultural, artistic, commercial, industrial, and civic interests of the community.
The Chamber hosts business classes like Business 101, marketing and website development; creates opportunities for businesses to come together and share concerns and successes like Coffee on the Corridor; coordinates microloans, business programs, and monthly Lunch & Learns; promotes and markets business members; and provides the Economic Growth Gallery (EGG) for events and small businesses.
HNE REX, which began as Historic Northeast Real Estate Exchange, brought realtors and investors into the community, allowing them to see the potential and need for preservation in the historic neighborhoods. As the real estate market has improved, HNE REX has evolved. Now, as Historic Northeast Re-Employment Exchange, bringing in big employers like T-mobile and Target, and introducing them to social agencies that connect people to jobs, like ReStart and Newhouse.
“We’re addressing relevant community issues through an ever evolving process, utilizing HNE REX as the platform to identify and resolve issues concerning the business community,” said Bobbi Baker-Hughes, president and CEO of the Chamber.
Northeast News
Kansas City’s Northeast News is a free weekly print and online publication focused on the gathering and delivery of news that is relevant to the Historic Northeast Kansas City community. Established in 1932, it has evolved into a multimedia Community Journalism outlet, reporting on local government, education, public health, social services and neighborhood issues that directly impact the Neighborhoods and residents of Historic Northeast Kansas City, Missouri.
According to the Institute for Nonprofit News: “Nonprofit journalism serves people and communities. Independence builds public trust. Equity is fundamental to all our actions and news coverage.”
The Northeast News is committed to serving our community in the best way we can. We welcome feedback from our neighbors and community members. Our team is here to report on the often untold stories, advocate for your community and tackle all the complex issues here.