Michael Bushnell
Della C. Lamb’s early childhood learning center at 500 Woodland Avenue hosted First Responder Monday, which is part of their Week of the Young Child celebration. Monday through Friday of this week each day is dedicated to a different engagement activity for Della Lamb students.
Joni Weis, Early Education Director at Della Lamb says activities like this are the key to building positive relationships early in life. “it’s absolutely amazing in developing their social and emotional skills and who they can and can’t trust,” Weis said. “These are the brain builders at this age and its amazing what they can retain and what they can learn.”
Sergeant Kathy Coots with the department’s Youth Services Division agreed. “Getting to positively interact with kids of this age is so important,” Coots said. “We want to be the good guys, we don’t want kids to run away and hide,” Coots added.
Other activities scheduled for this week are the Tuney Tuesday parade, Work Together Wednesday, Culture Thursday and Literacy Friday, when families are encouraged to come read a book to kids in the classroom.