Northeast News
September 21, 2011

Northeast High School’s graduating seniors didn’t receive a yearbook last year, said Jerry Snider.

But, Snider and others came up with a solution.

Snider compiled a video yearbook with the help of photographer Dale Lightfoot and Evelyn Hill, a teacher at NEHS.

The video yearbook is 20 minutes long and includes accompanying music and pictures of NEHS students.

“While not professionally done, the CD is meant to be a keepsake for each graduate,” Snider said.

Snider copied the video yearbook onto 130 CDs, but not many graduates have picked up their copy, he said.

Snider is encouraging last year’s graduates to pick up a video yearbook, free of charge, from the school office.

If students feel inclined, they can make a donation to the Northeast Student Activity Fund, he said.