April 25, 2012

Historic Northeast has been a burgeoning art spot for quite some time and now the kind folks over at Café Al Dente in the City Market have opened up their wall space to some Northeast artists to display some of their finery to the general public. Dianne Dickerson, Shane Rowse, Bobbi Baker Hughes, Tom Tacy and David Remley are all featured on the café walls. From what we hear, the new art addition is a hit with diners, as it spotlights some of the wonderful historic architecture our fine neighborhood has to offer. We hear the grub isn’t bad, either!

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This growlin’ li’l newshound isn’t too chipper these days and it all lands on Council-dude John Sharp’s desk. Sharp has done all he can to cow-tow to the homeschool crowd, sneakily blocking and stalling Councilman Scott Wagner’s daytime curfew legislation for reasons only he can know and understand.

Even the homeschool crowd, who claims to be smarter than the average bear, should know the legislation doesn’t specifically target them. But never let facts get in the way of a good opportunity to obfuscate and grandstand. It makes good press, ya know.

Question for Mr. Sharp: What do you have against legislation designed to make our streets safer? Or maybe the better questions: How do you benefit from having roving bands of truants wreaking havoc in Kansas City neighborhoods? Hmmmm?