Due to positive COVID-19 tests among staff and a rising number of cases area-wide, all Kansas City Municipal Court hearings will be virtual until further notice. All scheduled in-person trials are postponed and public access will be restricted. Anyone who has been exposed to COVID-19 or is exhibiting symptoms is prohibited from entering the building. Anyone who does enter must wear a covering over the mouth and nose.
Like all Missouri courts, the Kansas City Municipal Court must comply with Missouri Supreme Court’s four-phase reopening guidelines. Municipal Court had moved to allowing a limited number of scheduled in-person matters before receiving notice on Tuesday of two positive tests for COVID-19, prompting the court to return to the lowest phase of the guidelines.
Throughout the pandemic, Municipal Court and the City Prosecutor’s Office have kept the court operational. Here are the resources you need to handle Municipal Court matters:
For virtual hearing links go to www.kcmo.gov/court, click “Links to attend your virtual hearing online or by phone”.
Walk-in dockets are cancelled. Request a virtual hearing instead at www.kcmo.gov/court. Click “Apply for virtual hearings”.
New court dates for continued cases will be mailed to defendants at the address on file. Keep your address updated by emailing court@kcmo.org or calling 816-513-2700.
Those who need to make payments can do so online with a debit or credit card at www.kcmo.gov/court; or with a check or money by mail to “Municipal Court” to P.O Box 219381, Kansas City, Mo. 64121-9381 or using the drop box in the lobby just before security. Please include your case number. Request a payment plan using the online system (you will need to search by ticket number) or email MCPayment@kcmo.org.
Contact your probation officers directly or email probation@kcmo.org.
Victims and City witnesses contact the City Prosecutor’s Office at witness@kcmo.org or 816-513-6750.
Attorneys, see the “Information for Attorneys” section at www.kcmo.gov/court.
For more information, go to www.kcmo.gov/court, email court@kcmo.org or call the 311 Action Center.
This information was provided by the City of Kansas City, Mo.