Bryan Stalder
Thursday, May 7, is National Mural Day. In the past, the Northeast Kansas City Chamber of Commerce has hosted a National Mural Day celebration to recognize mural artists who have contributed art to the community.
This year, things are going to be a bit different. Folks are still encouraged to take a tour of murals in the community, but the Chamber is foregoing any festivities in accordance with the city’s 10-10-10 policy to reduce the spread of COVID-19. A map of all the mural locations is available to be downloaded at nekcchamber.com.
Three new murals were commissioned since National Mural Day last year.
“Roosters” by Zachary Laman is located on the east side of the NEKC Chamber Economic Growth Gallery (EGG) at 2659 Independence Boulevard.
“Independence Avenue” by Christian Armando Mesa is on the west-facing wall of 4834 Independence Avenue, and “Welcome to Northeast” by Rachael Cross and Dalton Elliot was just completed on the east-facing wall of 4834 Independence Avenue.
The Northeast Kansas City Chamber Of Commerce has also started a social media campaign:
NationalMuralDay #May7th
May 7th is National Mural Day! Let’s Celebrate though May 10th, Mother’s Day weekend. Walk/Bike/Drive the Murals of Historic Northeast KC.
LIKE/SHARE & POST the MOST #Selfies of #HNEmurals to Win a Commissioned Pet Portrait by one of the Muralists.
How many #HNEMurals will you SPOT and take a SHOT of?
Here’s How:
First: Go to NEKCchamber.com for an HNE Murals Tour Map!Check out this great #HNEMural link
When You LIKE/SHare & POST the MOST Selfies of #HNEmurals. On The NEKC Chamber Facebook Page and when you hashtag #HNEMurals and #NEKCChamber on YOUR Instagram account that will get you extra points.
Vote with your Shares/Likes/Posts from Now until Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 10th you’ll be our Like/Share & POST the MOST #Selfies of #HNEMurals Winner
The Like/Share & POST the MOST #Selfies of #HNEMurals Winner will receive a Commissioned Pet Portrait by Local Muralist and Tattoo Artist Rachael Cross
(@rcrosstattoo) or Zachary Laman (@compost_pile)
The LIKE/SHare & POST the MOST #Selfies of #HNEMurals Winner will be announced on Tuesday, May 12th
NationalMuralDay is #May7th
Ready! Set! GO!
LIKE & POST the MOST #HNEMural Selfies and Win!