As a bus driver for a soccer team of refugee kids in the Historic Northeast, I’m troubled by the Trump administration’s recent proposal to admit only 18,000 refugees next year. It’s the lowest number of refugee resettlement in U.S. history. Last year, the president set the number at 30,000. Past presidents have averaged an admissions ceiling of 95,000 since 1980. I’m deeply disturbed knowing that so many refugees will be left in harms way. The kids I drive on the soccer bus may never see their extended families again if the President gets his way.

Thankfully, Representative Cleaver recently co-sponsored the GRACE Act (House bill 2146). The GRACE Act ensures the admissions ceiling will never drop below 95,000. I encourage my Northeast neighbors to contact Senators Roy Blunt and Josh Hawley and ask them to co-sponsor the Grace Act (Senate Bill 1088) in the Senate. It’s the least we can do for our refugee friends and neighbors in the Northeast.

Philip Dickey
Northeast Resident