Northeast News
April 1, 2015
Dear Editor:
It is local election time. Who do we vote for and why?
The Northeast needs a voice on the council badly. I had great hopes for Scott Wagner. I warned him he would be swamped by the Northern portion of the First District. My fears were well founded. While I am disappointed, he is the best choice for your vote. At times, he supports our needs.
In the Fourth District race, we have Joilee Justus and John Fiero. Both are excellent candidates.
Joilee is a very liberal Democrat and I am a very conservative Republican. When she was in the State Senate, she made time to visit with the citizens, listened to them and then voted her conscious. Can we ask for more? She always listened to me.
John Fiero has done a lot of good for the under privileged in the Northeast and should be applauded for that. My main fault with him is he has not done enough to marry the Hispanic population of the West Side to the Northeast. Part of this failure is the Northeast Chamber of Commerce refusal to work with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
I must endorse Joilee because of her willingness to sit down with all citizens and discuss the needs of all. I only hope she will continue her weekly coffee’s where she listens to those she represents.
There is one race that should excite us. Dennis Anthony is running for the Fifth District At-large. Dennis was a codes inspector in the Neighborhood Preservation codes department. I worked with him many times with problems in the Northeast. I remember one time he answered a urgent call on a Sunday. He knows our problems and I am sure he will not only look at our interest, but act.
The important thing is for you to become involved and vote. You will never have any power if you do not become involved. Going to your local Neighborhood Association for a hour each month is not enough. You must be informed and VOTE!
Charles Melton,
Kansas City resident