Northeast News
August 5, 2015
Dear editor,
You asked for a response and you’re getting one. First; [in regards to the letter to the editor published on July 21, titled “Reconsider what is truly littering the Northeast area”] the Northeast News paper is NOT the “largest single source of litter” in HNE. Second; yes, residents should pick up their paper, and yes, people should be accountable for picking it up in their yard. Yours can go straight to the recycling bin if that’s what you think of it.
I can not believe you had the gall to write to a local paper and tell them that THEY are a problem. Then you go on to talk about how much you “value” that it’s “an important source of information” and it’s “potential for even further strengthening the bonds of the HNE community.”
Well Mister three-year-resident who knows everything, you make no sense and have shown the whole community that you seriously lack tact. If you spent more time figuring out how to help than writing columns on how the family owned company (that you are utilizing might I add) is causing so much trouble, then the world would be a better place.
Tracy Gardner,
Scarritt Renaissance resident