The Land Bank of Kansas City, Missouri is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking organizations to rehabilitate and/or renovate land bank structures, including some in Independence Plaza, Sheffield and North Blue Ridge.
The RFP seeks qualified non-profit, quasi-government, or 501c3 organizations to rehabilitate and/or renovate land bank structures and offer the properties to families and individuals who are unhoused or at risk of becoming homeless.
The land bank structures are located in the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Council Districts. A list of land bank properties can be found here: https://www.kcmolandbank.org/index_htm_files/Land%20Bank%20Structures%20as%20of%205-4-21.pdf
Interested parties are invited to an informational meeting to be held May 13, 2021 from 6:00PM – 7:30PM. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the RFP and to answer your questions.
Desired housing to be created shall provide at least the following for any new residents: kitchen and meal preparation facilities, restroom facilities, working electricity, water, and other required utilities, and other facilities to ensure safe, clean, and self-sufficient housing options.
All projects must be reviewed by any local neighborhood associations which encompass the geographical area where the structures or properties that a particular proposer has selected before any land transfer will take place in order to ensure this new housing best reflects the needs of local residents and communities.
Upon completion of the renovations, all housing must be occupied by tenants or residents that either have income of less than 30% of Area Median Income and/or must be houseless prior to occupancy or the subject of existing or prior eviction proceedings with the Jackson County Circuit Court, and must be provided to tenants and/or owners with these income restrictions for a period of at least twenty (20) years beginning on the date the property is transferred from the Land Bank to the new owners. Rent must also be consistent with a tenant’s ability to pay whose income is less than 30% of Area Median Income for such 20-year period.
Anyone wishing to participate in the meeting has the option of attending the meeting in person or through the videoconference platform Zoom, using the following link:
The meeting will be held at the Robert J. Mohart Multi-Purpose Center, 3200 Wayne Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64109.
Join on your computer or mobile app (Listen mode only – Questions should be entered in the chat only).
Topic: Land Bank RFP Public Meeting
Time: May 13, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88105661414?pwd=SVoyS3BlUE9vdS94ZmprcU9XcTNhZz 09
Meeting ID: 881 0566 1414 Passcode: 301857
Please contact Tracey Bryant, Executive Director, Land Bank of Kansas City at (816) 513-9049 if you have questions.