RobyLane Kelley
Editorial Intern

Kansas City Public Library (KCPL) hosted “Fiesta de Lectura de Verano” Saturday at its North-East branch, 6000 Wilson Ave. This free, annual Fiesta provided readers of all ages across the metro an opportunity to register for KCPL’s summer reading challenge.

 With prizes like snack cups, stuffed animals and pint glasses upon completion, summer reading offers an accessible way for families to spend time together, while also working on furthering education.

 Patrons participated in games, interacted with community organizations, enjoyed complimentary cuisines and signed up for summer reading. Live music was additionally offered for attendees. The library published a notice on its doors to caution patrons of limited available parking due to the event.  

After registration, attendees selected a free book to begin summer reading | Photo by Dorri Partain

 As summer reading challenges have taken new forms in the digital age, KCPL hopes to bring the community together —  continuing to host a multitude of summer events for families, beyond its fiesta.

  Registration is still open for parents and guardians of Fiesta absentees via KCPL’s website. Those who sign up for the challenge will receive a free book. Readers, or their parents, will log reading on Beanstack, or through its app, throughout the summer. After sign-up is complete, participants will receive email confirmation — including information on how to collect their free book.

  Badges can be earned on the Beanstack app to reward readers from sign-up to completion. This challenge will continue through Aug. 15. Readers who read at least five books will receive a prize based on their age group. 

Photo by RobyLane Kelley

  Those who cannot access the library to get reading material can visit Pop in at the Park to read and check out books. Lykins Square Park, E. 8th St. & Jackson Ave., will host its pop-in sessions on Fridays from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

  Pop in at the Park will continue throughout the summer reading challenge. Children ages 1 to 18 will get a free meal with attendance and a chance to explore educational, hands-on activities with Missouri State Parks and The Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center.

  Summer reading, and Pop in at the Park, will be hosted across the Kansas City Metro area. More information regarding additional location events is available on the KCPL events page.