Denver Manor Apartments became less than ideal for Northeast residents when a new owner took over in 2004.

Drug dealers and other undesirable tenants filled the apartment complex, creating an atmosphere of fear.

At one point, church goers refused to walk along Denver Manor’s sidewalk because of questionable characters and drug dealings. Instead, they would cut across the street to Budd Park and then back to Holy Cross, current owner and landlord Ed Jardak said.

The out-of-state owner failed to adequately maintain the apartment complex and when Jardak took over in 2010, he discovered that five stoves had been stolen and sold for scrap metal.

For 25 years, Jardak operated and owned the Denver Manor Apartments before selling the business in 2004. However, when the owner was faced with a forced foreclosure in 2010, Jardak took over the business and knew things needed to change.

He renamed the apartment complex Budd Park Place Apartments and began evicting delinquent and problem tenants. Jardak also replaced all 80 windows with new thermal insulated double paned windows to improve energy efficiency.

In addition, he repainted apartments, hallways and the building’s exterior. Entrance doors and locks were replaced for added security, appliances were repaired or replaced and Jardak renovated all vacant apartments and upgraded the laundry facility.

I just tried to save it and keep the decent people in, he said.

However, it’s not just the facade and facility Jardak cares about, it’s the people.

I always tell them, ‘You’re my tenants, but you’re my family,’ he said. When they leave from here, I hope they leave on good terms and stay our family.

That’s the reputation I like them to know.

Drug dealers no longer litter the sidewalks of the apartment complex and Jardak said his goal is to maintain a family-friendly and safe environment with above standard apartments.

I’m a hands-on landlord, not absentee, he said. If they have any problems with maintenance, we’re there for them.

They’re dealing with an owner who is there to protect them, to help them and to watch out for them.