June 1, 2011
To the Editor:

Indian Mound’s first “Spring Clean” was a huge success on May 21. There were many people and agencies who contributed. Solid Waste Division is to be congratulated on a job well done for their assistance in helping to remove in excess of 60 tons of trash, leaves and brush.  This does not include two 40-yard containers of tires. Thanks also to Parks Department for the tent, picnic tables and grill they supplied to feed the volunteers and city crews. Glennon Place supplied water for the volunteers and city workers.

Some volunteers deserve special thanks: Councilman Wagner and son, Patrick; David Remley; Dorrie Partain and family (chief cook); Garry Stark; Joe Castaneda; Juan Castaneda and Joe Moran who manned the pick-up trucks;  Jennifer Beckerman; Aurora Castaneda; Rhianna Jones; Geoff Henggler; Joshua and Aprille Castaneda and Rachel (last name escapes). These individuals walked or drove the entire NE quarter of the neighborhood picking up litter and trash on the streets and in the alleys. Your neighbors appreciate your efforts to make our home a better place. You set the examples for others to follow. Thanks again!!!!!!!

There were many more individuals involved and your participation is greatly appreciated! If I missed anyone I apologize!!

Rick Jones, Indian Mound