Avenue Beautification & Urban Street Ambassadors
Alley Cleanups: Eight of our Urban Street Ambassadors (USAs) worked hard in the East-West alley between Hardesty and Denver Avenues, hauling away over 700 pounds of trash, garbage and litter.
The Northeast Kansas City Chamber of Commerce (NEKCCOC) manages roughly 17 alleyways along the Independence Avenue corridor and picks up hundreds of pounds of trash and litter daily from those side walks and parks creating a safer, more welcoming environment for residents and visitors alike.
Our CID USAs are also actively engaged in beautification efforts such as creating monarch butterfly migration stations, adding flowers and monarch-friendly plants that help the ecosystems along the Avenue.
Four Corners with Titian & Quarterly Meetings
The Independence Avenue CID hosts weekly quarterly sessions with Kansas City, MO Police officers and supervisors to determine where crime hot-spots exist and working together with community stakeholders to make the Independence Avenue International Marketplace a safe destination for residents and visitors alike.
The CID also hosted a number of public forums during the KCPD Police Chief selection process, partnering with the Greater Kansas City Chamber to offer residents an opportunity to speak directly to Chief candidates.
Each week our Titan Security Avenue Angels conduct a 4-Corner Community Call, inviting members of the Historic Northeast community to meet them every Friday at 3pm at various locations along the Avenue in an ongoing effort to reduce crime and increase community engagement.
Storefront Improvement & Rebate Program
The Independence Avenue CID also offers member businesses the opportunity to apply for facade rebate funding to assist in updating or improving the exterior of their retail outlet in the CID’s footprint.
These matching rebate beautification funds help to create a much more cohesive look to the Avenue’s business community as well as act as an economic development tool to encourage other businesses to participate in the program, creating a better looking International Marketplace along the Avenue corridor.
Four Corners
Last week’s Independence Avenue Community Improvement District, 4-Corners Community Call was at El Taco located at 5200 Independence Ave
Join us next week at:
OG Smoke Shop located at 2600 Independence Avenue