Abby Hoover
Managing Editor
Drivers and pedestrians will soon encounter physical progress on the intersection of The Paseo Boulevard and Independence Boulevard, known as the Paseo Gateway Intersection.
The Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners approved an agreement with Taliaferro & Browne, for the Paseo Gateway Intersection project at its August 25 meeting.
On May 6, 2020, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was issued for construction engineering services for the Paseo Gateway Intersection project. This road construction project is part of the overall $30 million Choice Neighborhoods grant issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Paseo Gateway area.
Six teams submitted proposals, and Taliaferro & Browne, Inc., which specializes in civil and structural engineering, land surveying, and urban planning and development, was selected as the preferred design professional. Taliaferro & Browne’s team also includes McClure Engineering.
The scope of this agreement includes pre-construction reviews of plans, quantities and specifications; daily construction inspection and documentation; design modifications to resolve unforeseen utility or right-of-way conflicts; daily construction administration and coordination with the city, contractor, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and affected business and property owners; and post-construction activities to determine that the project is completed and accepted by the city and MoDOT.
Per the contract, the amount is not to exceed $699,551 and should be substantially complete by December 15, 2022. The contract agreement will be funded by federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) and General Obligation (GO) bond funding, which voters approved in April of 2017.
The Paseo Boulevard Gateway project will reconstruct the intersection of The Paseo Boulevard and Independence Boulevard. Roadway closures are expected during construction.
A crucial traffic change is the creation of new dedicated left turn lanes from Independence Boulevard to The Paseo.
“Currently, there are no left turns at that intersection during rush hour,” said Jay Burress, Paseo Gateway project manager for consultant Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc., at an April 24, 2018 presentation. “This new project is going to create dedicated left turn lanes.”
Other improvements include new sidewalks on both sides of Independence Boulevard and both sides of The Paseo; a 10-foot two-way bicycle track on the east side of The Paseo north of Admiral Boulevard and on the north side of Independence Boulevard west of The Paseo; new curbs, gutters, street lighting, traffic signals and a new at-grade intersection at Cliff Drive and The Paseo.
At the September 15 meeting, the board also approved a Design Professional Services Contract with TransSystems for the Chouteau Parkway and I-35 Interchange Project in the amount of $297,350. The City has preliminary plans to add an additional northbound travel lane underneath I-35 and also a sidewalk trail connection from N. Cleveland to the north side of I-35. Construction is estimated to begin in mid to late 2020.