Michael Bushnell
This real photo postcard was published by the North American Postcard Company of Kansas City, Mo. The view shows vehicles, both motorized and horse drawn, owned by the Diamond Transfer Company of Kansas City, parked on Anderson Avenue just east of Benton Boulevard with the stately edifice of the Eastminster Presbyterian Church as the backdrop. Teamsters can be seen proudly sitting in the driver’s seat of their rigs, making ready for a day of hauling freight throughout Kansas City.
Shown on the side of the truck nearest the camera are ads for Gold Star Furniture Polish and Golden Star Auto Polish. Promotional postcards such as these were a popular and inexpensive way for local businesses to showcase their goods and services. The card is postally unused and was published in 1909-1910. A small child can be seen in the lower left foreground, probably wondering what all the big-doin’s were about on his street that day.