March 9, 2011

Last week’s torrential rains caused high water in a number of areas throughout the city. Especially affected was Chouteau Trafficway just north of where it intersects with Belmont Boulevard on the east side of the bluff.

For three days vehicles were stranded in the middle of the flooded street. The only public works presence on the Monday following the rains was dispatching someone to string more yellow caution tape between the barricades blocking the street.

The following day, crews didn’t show up to start working on the drain until mid-afternoon, ensuring the street would be closed yet another business day.

Wednesday morning, waters had receded to the point where traffic could pass, but a city crew spent most of the day on hand, blocking a lane of traffic to supposedly clean out the drains.

Mission accomplished? What are you thinkin’?

Last week’s rainfall, though not as heavy as the previous weekend’s downpour, still caused Public Works to close the stretch of roadway yet again, less than 48 hours after crews had allegedly rootered the storm drains and called the job done.

These are the same drains the city supposedly spent almost a week rootering out last summer, the same time they were completing the Chouteau-Gardner flood control project – which seemed to work, thank you very much.

This li’l pooch has yet to receive an answer from the city regarding the continued standing water issues at that location. That should tell you a little something about where simple infrastructure issues like working storm drains rank in the big scheme of things.