Tuesday, March 18 & Wednesday, March 19- Feast of St. Joseph. Table viewing at area Catholic churches on Tuesday afternoon; Mass, table blessing and pasta dinner at various times on Wednesday. Visit www.northeastnews.net for more information.

Friday, March 21- Lenten Fish Fry, 6 to 9 p.m., Holy Cross Catholic Church, 5106 St. John Ave. Fish Tacos (3) for $10, choice of whole tilapia or tilapia filets w/ fries and salad for $15, drinks included in price. Call ahead for carry out, 816-305-4417.

Friday, March 21- Lenten Fish Fry, 5 to 7 p.m., St. Anthony’s Catholic Church (St. Joseph’s Hall) 3208 Lexington. Fish dinner plate, $12.00 includes drink. Stations of the Cross at 7:30 p.m.

Friday, March 21- Third Friday Art Walk at Englewood Arts Center, 10901 E Winner Rd, Independence. “BE WEll” bell dedicated at 6:30 p.m, to promote seeking mental health services without hesitation and stigma. For more information visit englewoodarts.art

Now through May 4- Snoopy and the Red Baron, Crown Center Shops Showplace, Level 1, 2450 Grand Blvd. This traveling gallery exhibition features original art and memorabilia from Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center. Visit www.CrownCenter.com for specific days and times. Free.

Have an event we can include in upcoming calendars? Contact us at 816-241-0765 or email your information to: northeastnewskc@gmail.com.