Now through Thursday, Jan. 16- Hygiene Kit Drive. Assist the Kansas City Public Library’s AmeriCorps members in collecting toiletry items. These items will be assembled into kits on Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service for distribution to those in need. Travel-sized shampoo, body wash, lotion and more may be dropped off at all library branch locations, including North-East branch at 6000 Wilson Rd. during regular library hours. For a complete list of accepted items or to make a monetary donation visit https://kclibrary.org/news/2024-12/2025-hygiene-kit-donation-drive-kicks-library-annual-mlk-day-service.
Thursday, Jan. 9- Coffee, Culture & Conversation, 10 to 11 a.m., Northeast Chamber of Commerce, 2657 Independence Blvd. This month’s topic is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Come to learn, discuss and enjoy coffee with others in our community. Free.
Friday, Jan. 17- PH Movie Night at Whim Space, 5:30 p.m., 415 Prospect Ave. Come early for a family friendly movie or later for an adult feature. Films to be announced. Free. Vist PHKC.org for more information.
Have an event we can include in upcoming calendars? Contact us at 816-241-0765 or email your information to: northeastnewskc@gmail.com.