June 29, 2011

Aim4Peace wants more taxpayer money for their rented buses, mobs and bullhorns to scare the daylights out of area residents for no good reason.

Despite a homicide rate that spirals up, the city-sponsored rent-a-mob outfit wants an additional $4 million for its operation over the next fiscal year.

Aim4Peace lackeys say their efforts have prevented some homicides from happening – something we find dubious at best.

Is that like a saved job?

Here’s a thought for city fathers and budget officers: Cut the entire program, fire the administration and re-route their slush fund budget to infrastructure improvements like streets, sidewalks and the mowing of vacant lots – something that actually positively impacts quality of life.

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Arrogance personified

Neighborhoods don’t matter. That’s the message that the City Plan Commission sent last week to neighborhoods across the board. Despite being presented with overwhelming opposition from the neighborhood association level, the City Plan Commission last week showed their true colors and arrogantly thumbed its nose to urban neighborhoods throughout Kansas City that are struggling to gentrify themselves. The commission approved a proposal asking for a special use permit and a zoning exemption for a non-profit group in Leawood, Kan., who wanted to open a group home in the 500 block of Gladstone Boulevard. Neighborhoods across the city should take note. This commission is not neighborhood friendly.