Joe Jarosz
Northeast News
April 2, 2014
KANSAS CITY, Missouri — The city’s illegal dumping investigator is asking for your help.
Code Enforcement Officer Alan Ashurst sent an email to Northeast News saying a truck was spotted illegally dumping three times near Oakley Avenue and E. 33rd Terrace. Now the city’s Neighborhood and Housing Services Department is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the vehicle.
A city-owned security camera captured several photos of the truck illegally dumping. The camera failed to focus properly on the license plates, but the truck has a unique paint job of bright orange on the front under the grill. Ashurst added the truck has temporary tags on the back, the front grill reads GMC while the the tailgate says Chevrolet and both windows are broken but have trash bags covering them.
Ashurst asked that if you see the truck, contact him at 816-513-9097 and leave a detailed message if he doesn’t answer. If possible, take note of the location the truck was spotted and the license plate.