Northeast News
September 12, 2011

Once again, Kansas City’s Special Committee on Small Business will hold an evening meeting to reach out to small business owners.

The Special Committee on Small Business will hold its next evening meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26, at a Kansas City small business – Alpha Energy & Electric, 1100 E. 34th St. Businesses are encouraged to attend and voice input during the special evening meeting.

“This is part of our ongoing effort to be inclusive to all small businesses in the city,” said Committee Chair and 6th District City Council member Scott Taylor.

“I am excited to showcase this small business, which is thriving in the heart of the 3rd District,” said 3rd District City Council member Jermaine Reed. “As we take City Hall to the people, it’s important to highlight the successful examples of small business owners who make the 3rd District their home.”

The Special Committee on Small Business focuses on streamlining the licensing process for start-up small businesses; reviewing consolidation of City functions by expanding business start-up services offered at KC BizCare; and encouraging efforts of the City in assisting minority-owned start-up businesses.

The committee generally meets on Thursdays at noon, but occasionally holds evening meetings outside of City Hall in the community, such as this one, to allow businesses to attend that would normally be unable to attend during the day.

In addition, a website,, is currently available to allow comments from individuals or businesses that may not be available to testify during a meeting.

Businesses interested in speaking at the Monday, Sept. 26, committee meeting  should call Lisa Sturgeon, aide to Councilman Scott Taylor, at (816) 513-6523.

To view the committee’s agendas and meeting schedule, visit and click on “Special Committee on Small Business.”