Remember This?
Dorri Partain Managing Editor Ruler fight? Touché! Many school supplies inside the grade school desk provided options for the creative-minded student. When a teacher wasn’t looking, that bottle of glue could…
Dorri Partain Managing Editor Ruler fight? Touché! Many school supplies inside the grade school desk provided options for the creative-minded student. When a teacher wasn’t looking, that bottle of glue could…
Michael BushnellContributing Historian This week’s postcard offers a look at Fairmount Park from Independence Avenue. This view was from the vantage point of the old A&P store (now Dollar General)…
Dorri Partain Managing Editor When the “father of the American Christmas card” needed art supplies for his young daughter, he launched a campaign to bring art instruction to all American school…
Michael BushnellContributingHistorian Not long before noted railroad restaurateur Fred Harvey had a photograph taken for this color postcard, the old Union Depot had just been demolished. Kansas City’s new Union…
Julia Williams Editor-in-Chief Kansas City’s Historic Garment District Museum (801 Broadway Blvd) opened its doors for the very last time at 11 a.m., Aug. 30. Following a recent ‘for sale’…
Michael BushnellContributing Historian The great Kansas City real estate developer J.C. Nichols is not known to blunder often — especially in matters of real estate. His two man-made lakes in…
Dorri Partain Managing Editor Cool tools for school – useful for math and art classes too. The protractor was first used by mariners to create or read maps and navigational charts…
Michael Bushnell Contributing Historian Chautauqua was a popular American educational movement of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. Chautauqua assemblies expanded and spread throughout the rural U.S.until the mid-1920s.…
Dorri Partain Managing Editor Can you fit all your school supplies inside a cigar box? Elementary school students in the 1960’s often used empty cigar boxes to corral the array of…
Michael BushnellContributing Historian Located on the corner of Prospect Boulevard and Amie Court, Garfield Elementary School was one of the first Ward schools in Kansas City. The imposing red brick…