Wednesday, December 19
Hy-Vee Ham Giveaway
As part of its second annual Hy-Vee Hams for the Holidays campaign, Kansas City-area Hy-Vee employees and local first responders will distribute 500 Hormel Cure 81 hams on Wednesday, Dec. 19, to benefit families in need this holiday season. Hams will be available starting at 4pm at KCPD at Prospect & 27th St (2640 Prospect Ave). The event will run for two hours or until all hams have been distributed.
KCMO Housing Meeting
Kansas City, Missouri, residents who want to join the discussion about the proposed five-year housing policy will have two more chances to chime in on this important topic. The city has added an additional meeting to be held on Wednesday, Dec. 19, from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Guadalupe Center, 1015 Avenida Cesar Chavez (park on the east side of the building).
Thursday, December 20
Kansas City Airport Committee Meeting
The KC Airport Committee will meet Thurdsay, December 21 to discuss updates to the KCI Airport Terminal Modernization Project. The meeting will be held on the 10th floor in the Committee Room at 10:30 am at City Hall (414 E 12th St). All meetings are open to the public.
Kansas City Council Meeting
The KC Council will meet Thurdsay, December 21 at 3pm on the 26th floor in the Council Chamber at City Hall (414 E 12th St). All meetings are open to the public.
Friday, December 21
Santa Claus is coming to Englewood
Santa will be visiting Englewood Row Gallery & Art Space (10922 E Winner Rd) Friday, Dec. 21 from 6pm to 8pm. Stop by for live music, cookies, drinks, and free pictures with Santa! Music by Martha Haehl, Karen Hendricks & Roberta VonFange. Featured artist is N’ya Fritz.
Tuesday, December 25
Christmas Day!!
Have a great holiday from everyone at the Northeast News!