Cafe Cà Phê hosted an Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Heritage Month celebration this weekend in Columbus Park with some big name sponsors like the Kansas City Royals and KC Parks. The family- and pet-friendly event uplifted AAPI voices and culture, supported local AAPI businesses and performers who shared their talent throughout the day. Performances included a presentation of cultural dances from Vietnam, Bali and the Polynesian Islands; as well as an interactive portion where guests could learn the culturally specific movements and meaning behind these dances.
Cafe Cà Phê’s Director of Community Outreach, Bety Le Shackelford, moderated a “Get to Know Us: No frills, Just Real Talk” panel discussion with local AAPI leaders and engaged community members including Representative Emily Weber (Korean-American), Representative Rui Xu (Chinese-American), Cafe Cà Phê owner Jackie Nguyen (Vietnamese-American), their manager Madoka Koguchi (Japanese), and Community Activist Justice Horn (Polynesian/Tongan), and more.